Adından anlaşılacağı gibi mavinin tamamen hakim olduğu hoş tasarımlı şekil bir blogger teması. Kullanılabirliği çok basit olan bir temada diyebiliriz ben kendime göre düzenleyip sundum.Linkteki tema türkçe yani.Bazı durumlarda temada aksi durumlar olabiliyor bizden demesi sizden iyi kullanması.
NOT:Açılan pencerede indir butonuna basmanız yeterlidir.
Temanın Orijinali
Nice design, a blogger named so completely dominant theme is blue as can be understood. We can say that usability is a theme which is very simple, I can organize by myself. The theme that links the themes in the Turkish .Some situation can be better than you otherwise have to use us well.
NOTE: Simply press the download button in the pop-up window.
Original Theme
Nice design, a blogger named so completely dominant theme is blue as can be understood. We can say that usability is a theme which is very simple, I can organize by myself. The theme that links the themes in the Turkish .Some situation can be better than you otherwise have to use us well.
NOTE: Simply press the download button in the pop-up window.
Original Theme
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